Megan Fox is by far one of the most gorgeous people on the planet and she just happens to be an actress on the side. As far as those acting talents go its really kind of hard to tell. First off no one acts well in Micheal Bay movies which are just cliche summer big movies. Plus I have yet to see Jennifer's Body which I can't wait to see only on the basis that Diablo Cody wrote it.
Last night out of curiousity I watched part of Saturday Night Live and really could not even stomach the way it was unfunny. However it wasnt just Megan it was the fact that SNL hasnt been funny for years and years and years. What I'm talking about though is the beginning monologue on her part. Saying some of you might know me from transformers pause for like two people in the audience to cheer. Seriously?! The look on her face was kind of hilarious. Sure Transformers put her in public eye but I have a feeling that people only know her for looks (which you dont have to see a movie to view) and the crazy attitude in magazine interviews.
Do people actually even follow or become devout Megan fans based on acting? The answer is no. Boys worship her for looks and acting talent is thrown out the window. Girls mostly find some reason to hate her based on jealousy for shattering beauty. Seeing this makes me think she has truly backed herself into an acting corner. I could never see her playing a serious drama role, being funny or playing the nice role. Megan Fox will forever be typecast as the bitch, the love interest and the sex symbol.
We saw a glimmering side to this truth last night on SNL where she was for a breif second shocked at the lack of response from the audience on the transformers front. You can also tell a lot from the sketches that she was put in. No lead part and big shocker they mostly focused on her looks. So I draw the conclusion that she was in fact cast to draw an audience based on appearance did it work? Probably not. No one cares for Megan Fox the person and she will never be the next Angelina Jolie based on the fact I do not see her going beyond a teen choice award for Hottest Hottie.
10 years ago