Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bad Romance....

Going to the movies is the definition of a bad romance. Not only do you remain motionless for one hour and a half to two hours (unless you are a violent laugher), but the only concessions promote butter coated waist expansion. Plus on a date with a movie somehow a ridiculous price is involved whether it be a 10 admission fee or 5 dollars for a massive popcorn bucket.

Have you ever noticed that seeing a horrible movie even with your best friends is the equivalent of a bad terribly awkward date? However where are you the next weekend....in the line for the next big flick. Being a mega movie fan is an abusive relationship. Friends or the Internet could claim a certain movie is the in the same league as Jesus, claiming to see the light in this movie but when you see it the hatred coarses through your veins. Turns out, this movie and you werent meant to be and the terrible acting or whatever rubs off on you and ruins your entire day.

Even after seeing said terrifyingly bad movie, the next chance that is given you are tasting the familiar buttery taste in the plush chair. Sure movies have the capability to destroy a perfect day/date but they can also produce gasping-for-air laughter to pleasureful scare tactics. Truth is the megaplex will be a part of life until death no matter how many bad movies plague the brain the good memories will always outweigh the bad.

Movies either induce riotous violence, boredom or staight up exstactic zeal especially for the megaplex veterans. There is barely an inbetween for me. Im in a bad romance. I think Lady Gaga put it best "I want your ugly, I want your disease, I want your love, love, love, love". Its an addiction, that could put me in a gym for the next 10 years, because I would see a million movies in a day riding the emotional rollercoaster of the megaplex.

Snubbed and Crazy Nominations!

There were some people who were completely robbed of a nomination.

For example Brad Pitt as Lt. Aldo Raine. Normally Im not a Brad Pitt fan however Quentin Tarantino brought out his secret phenomenal acting abilities. The over the top Lt. was paired with the perfect accent and bad ass bravado that should be expected on a top notch Nazi Killer. While serving as the superb comic relief he also served as a character not-to-be-messed-with. Carving nazi swasticas into the foreheads of captured Nazis wall was gritty and empowering. The jewish revenge movie wouldnt have been complete without Aldo Raine so why not nominate him? He completed Inglourious Basterds which was nominated for best picture, screenplay, director and supporting actor (Christopher Waltz) so seriously.

Others who wouldnt have even crossed my radar for a nomination

Best Actor in a Comedy Sherlock Holmes Robert Downey Junior??!
Now dont get me wrong I am completely head over heels taken by this sexy, attitude filled actor. ALSO for Sherlock Holmes I am planning to be first in line for this apparent action flick. Or was I mistaken.....isnt it an action flick? Apparently its a comedy! I figured it might be like Transformers type of action with sprinkled comedy tid-bits splattered to smitherens with the surrounding action. I admit Downey is a polarizing person, which is my best guess for how this nomination happened.

Best Actress in TV-Comedy Courteney Cox Cougartown
Cougartown is a very funny show. The Golden Globe association has just never honored such a show or am I completely wrong? It just sounds unheard of.

I am by no means criticizing these decisions after all does there exist a better way to build up anticipation. By modernizing the most glitzy awards show it is entirely ballsy and could go a lot of different ways...the day after. However it is the show to talk about this year and bravo to the nominations of popular pop culture as well as Indie Dramas! Now not only my grandparents will know whats going on!!!! I think more young people could end up watching too which is awesome.

Golden Globe Nominations!

Im going to be dissecting the Golden Globes Nominations one post at a time. I really am not going to make many predictions until I have seen every single movie. Cause then and only then do I have a chance of making all the right predicition. Im going to take notes on every movie. However first Im going to make the movies I want to win list.

Best Motion Picture-Drama

Inglourious Basterds-I just so happen to be the biggest female Tarantino fan. So there might be some bias in that statement. However the casting was perfect (Christopher Waltz and Brad Pitt). Normally I am not a Brad Pitt however under Tarantino direction Lt. Aldo Raine was created, the delicously cliche and accent heavy character to life. The cinematography and direction accented the very talented cast with the theater burning to the ground scene. Overall this movie had thought provoking dialogue, violence at every corner, original characters and totally out there humor. I loved the direction and borders it destroyed. This was an almost perfect movie. Best selection the golden globe academy could have possibly made.

Best TV Series-Drama

True Blood has everything. The crazy romances to and fro, but with a fantasy twist. Basically turned me from a twihard to a Truebie. Vampires are creatures of desire as the foribidden fruit of love while having the monster other side. The characters are simply and elegantly dysfunctional. The writing perfectly brings out the craziness and humor hiding in the complex characters. You know its good TV when you feel like you know and love the characters. Violence and reality romance a plenty makes this the definate choice for me over my other favorite show House. Although CSI was left out of this category.....which sucks although it is the top of ratings every thursday. So suck it academy.

Every other category I can not sufficientally say what award should go to whom. Especially when it comes to the acting categories. More to come during award shows season!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Favorite List of 2009!

2009 was an amazing year as they all are for pop culture. Which is my always there friend in a way. Whether Im getting lost in the latest flick or celebrity meltdown there is always something interesting.

Celeb Messes now let me just say that everyone is interested in celebs.....its human nature to maybe not worship but definately crack up when hearing john+kate plus eight.

1. John and Kate plus eight. Its pretty bad when the best ratings of the shows whole five year run were because of the crazy tension and divorce rumors. What does that say about the surge in viewers. Drama and im talking real cat claws extended Kate Gosselin drama makes for damn good TV.

2. Chris Brown and Rihanna: Never have I seen so much resistance. Especially in my school but girls were literally fighting. You have your severe feminists who were straight up appalled by the woman beating...im not going to lie I was too. Then you have your chris brown mega fans who were swooned by his charming voice and even more angelic voice. The drama still is continueing today which is good drama.

3. Joaquin Phoenix (my personal favorite): Ummm is there any explanation necessary for this? Appearing on David Letterman or should I say another planet becauseif you havent seen it...wow. Sporting the crack addict beard I was in hysterics especially when I heard he wanted to be a rapper. Too funny.

MOVIES!!!! I saw so many Its going to be hard to narrow it down.

1. Inglourious Basterds: What didnt I like about that movie? The dialogue was perfect the acting was phenomenal and the cinematography was just beautiful. Hands down best scene was the burning of the movie theater and the Nazi scalping bonanza by the bridge.

2. UP I seriously thought I might be too old for pixar. This has changed my mind. Actually the talking dog with the collar saying "I hid under your porch because I love you" ummm never too old for such a cute flick. Which also happened to bring me to tears.

3. 2012: cliche sure, but a damn good movie entertaining and to top it off some of the best special effects. I appreciated it for what it was. Destructo Porn and how awesome it was.

4. Precious: Moving and terrifying while being cinematically beautiful. I want to cry just thinking of it. More than anything though I want to go make that girl a superstar and give her everything she ever wanted.

5. District 9: Grossly awesome! Made my inner science fiction nerd do a mega happy dance! Such a good movie that I dont think anyone would disagree with me at all. It was violent, gritty and totally believable.

Favorite TV Episodes: Oh hell yeah csi has been awesome! everyone of my shows has kept my attention this year!

CSI season nine episode 20: A Space Oddity Hodges and Wendy!!!!!

House season six first episode: See review it was awesome

CSI season ten episode 9: Appendicitement check it henry, hodges, nick and greg go to a deserted bar and end up being stranded....hell yes.

Friday, December 11, 2009


There was so much music and fun in this episode that had little to no focus on crime. The side going-ons were of the weird Jekyl fashion but even that was riddled with the comic relief of a disease addled millionaire.

The Case: On Henry the lab techs birthday Nick, Greg and Hodges kidnap him all in good fun to drive across the desert for the "best barbecue". Little do they know but just five months ago such establishment was shut down because of its relation to a hepatitis B outbreak. While making the long journey there in a vintage gold car, they are run off the road by a reckless driver. Quick camera pan to everyones screaming faces was director brilliant as it made me laugh to tears. The epic walking through the desert scene with the oldies cowboy music was priceless as well. So as they finally arrive to the hog hideout, while searching the place they find a dead body flown through a window covered by a raccoon. Turns out the scrungy dude was the prized BBQ cook and was in a heated battle with raccoon-zilla. While carrying out a revenge plot by baiting the bottom of a barrel with gas and chewed bones, Gomez shot into the barrel propelling himself through the window with the raccoon in tow. The CSI and Lab Rat boys were at that point stranded with a drunk crazy woman and a greaser named slick. All the while under the suspicions on the wherabouts of the supposed third man involved with the hog hideout Harry. During all of the events out in the middle of nowhere the las vegas crime lab were dealing with yet another DR. JEKYL incident involving new appendix. However I couldnt focus on that crime as I was too busy with the other which was the obvious focus of my attention.

The Characters: What an amazing episode for the awesome foursome. Nick with all the bravado when faced with the threat of being turned into pink goo by the redneck. Hodges with his useless information and some of the best facial reactions ever. Greg who reacted to everything with the coolness of a man out of his usual territory. Meanwhile Henry the B-day boy left the evening with a sprained ankle and a sulfuric acid burn, though never losing his witty sarcasm! What a group indeed! In the midst of everything Henry got hit on by the desperate drunk broad Shirly. So much happened in one episode and I was laughing the entire time. We need more feel good episodes of CSI a season, they turn my entire day around and ultimately end up being the best as far as writing goes. I mean "Earthling your days are limited" coming out of an old ham radio before the whole thing got a spark surge. Genious. Also on the side story Brass was his usual self in the funniest interrogation since probably the one with the bald dude in the giant blue kitty costume....hahaha. Everyone had funny quips in this episode maybe not Langston (who really isnt ever that funny) and the writing was pitch perfect.

Favorite Parts of the Episode:

Car rolling scene: The panning shot of everyone screaming was perfect.

Hodges: Smarts meets social situations is the definition of hilarious

Interrogation scene: Brass was on his best performance trying to keep the older diseased man awake or should i say alive?

Ribs Twist!: What caused the hepatitis B? Why only the grossest yet most interesting twist

Henry Sarcasm: The writing was so perfect for Henry, the mixture of geeky sweetnes and sharp wit with his pals

Everyone mutually being cops: When faced with the shotgun toting red-neck hodges was the only one who tried to say he worked in the lab. Why does everyone say that they are cops when faced with riskue situations.

Disease man: OR should I say bountiful panda????