No you see I just can’t love you. It would be impossible ya know? I mean you aren’t anything like David Hodges. Yes I know he is a fictional TV show character….but he is the man of my dreams.
There is epidemic sweeping through our youth. I would like to personally call it TV-character-insational-love-itis. Typically in young age dating is supposed to be a natural world ending drama fest. Now girls and some guys are getting their love fix from the TV. Yes that’s right at this very moment your son or daughter could be drooling for a completely made up persona. This is obviously affecting other aspects of their lives.
When it comes to dating, there are certain expectations one naturally has for the other sex. However when these expectations become identical to a person on TV….one should begin to worry. I mean how can I find the everyday David Hodges. The perfect mixture of all the right stuff to create the ultimate narcissist with a secret heart of gold. Mmmmm….damaged men *faints*.
If you ever happen to catch yourself comparing a dating prospect to a fictional character I think its time for a psychological evaluation. Being a fan girl= a lonely life filled with cats. This is the same thing I have observed with big vampire movie blockbusters and hot sweaty emotional singers in bands. Normal school boys just don’t measure up.
A really sweet guy won’t fare well in this environment. For example take Dr. House a relationship toxic man who seems a lot better than my first period AP Euro class pick of the litter. But why? Honestly it’s not the glitz of the TV because even when that man was hugging porcelain from a Vicodin habit….he was hot. David Hodges is a textbook example of narcissism, however if I ever happen to meet a fellow like that I almost can guarantee marriage.
Girls like me need to start lowering their standards. Let’s face it we can never get that bad boy full of problems persona. Something odd about me is that I like being pursued by damaged multi-layered older men. (Robert Downey Jr.) This makes me completely un-dateable. Young pubescent boys just have officially lost their charm. Time to plan the rest of my life around a Chinese take out menu and my mother.
10 years ago
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