The zombie flick should be a genre of its own. Unique humor, and unique killing technique have thrilled audiences ever since the George Romero days. Recently though with overplayed stereotypical zombie plots, the genre was in trouble. Turns out all it needed was a whiny rule oriented teenager. Played by Jesse Eisenberg, this teen has managed to survive the zombie attack based on rules which include. Stay out of Bathrooms and Double Tap. On his way to Columbus Ohio his car breaks down and he meets Tallahasee. Who happens to be a rule-breaking wise cracking killing machine. The exact opposite of Columbus. No those arent there real names, nearly everyone in the movie has names based off their location. Goal being Trust No one. Turns out Talahassee is on the search for Twinkies. So their first stop after they agree to ride together is to stop at a grocery store. Here they are tricked into a hostage situation by teenager Wichita and Little Rock a little girl pretending to be bitten. With their pride and their car stolen Columbus and Talahassee trek through the zombie filled landscape. Until they come upon a bright yellow environment destroying H2 loaded with guns. It is here that Talahasse hilariously says "Thank god for rednecks!" In their new H2 and heading East they meet the two devious girls for a second time......and fall victim yet again. Eventually they agree to stick together and assist them to the Pacific Playland. Along the way they not only destroy a souvenir shop in rock ballet style but they crash as Bill Murray's mansion. Best suprise celebrity cameo in a movie of 2009. Until Columbus secretly kills him during a prank of course. Later Wichita leaves with Little Rock to get to the Pacific Playland upon feeling she has gotten too connected to Columbus. Once they draw the zombie horde with millions of lights.....its Talahasee and Columbus to the rescue. Thus ending the movie on a good note, they are all going to stick it out during the time of trouble and at last Talahasee found his snack. The zombie genre has never been so darkly comical and splashingly bloody.
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