Death by mutant mono culure seems entirely relevant after seeing this 50's drama. Filled with over the top dreams in a limited culture and the lives that it destroys. Happiness comes and goes but never seems to last long enough. Most of it is empty. The neighbor relations, The affairs and the marriages. Overall there is barely a happy moment, unless the short time where outrageous things are promised in a desperate attempt to regain happiness lost. Leonardo DiCaprio is perfect as a lost and miserable husband. He has the job that slowly rots away his soul, while providing for a family of two and a fairly decent residence. While Kate Winslet plays the miserable wife who stays at home feeling like a prisoner to life. Both of them are searching for release, a better life yet the destination is never met. The plan unfolds at first with promise. Paris......the center of creativity and love in the whole world. A new beginning with their two children. When reality sets in the downward spiral is too much for the young couple to handle. The situation deteroriates so quickly. Plans of Paris become more and more bleak. With Leo DiCaprio not promised an outright job and the unexpected third pregnancy the almost happy mood is crushed like a bug. Kathy Bates makes an excellent cameo as the gossip queen who judges everyone but herself and her failed marriage. This movie paints a picture of unhappiness, there isnt anyone who seems happy in their relationships or with their children. The moral of the story definately would be, life doesnt follow the restrictions supposededly placed on it by society nor does the truth of emotion ever falter.