It never fails to surprise me how many things that can be in just one hour of true blood. Questions were answered only to leave me with more questions for next week....which is how you get hooked big time. Sookie tried (very hard) to penetrate the religously blood thirsty walls of the Fellowship of the Sun but was apprehended by the stone cold pastor and thrown into some pit of holiness. I dont know whether it is the chillingly sugar coated word "Looksie" uttered so often by the pastor or his too perfect swept back hair that makes me want to gag. Meanwhile as the pastors wife Sara is confronted with the falsetto husband of hers she turns to none other than Jason for sexual comfort. Maryann continues to stir crazy black eyed clothe deprived boozy....parties i guess you could call them. Also Daphne who we last saw on a pool table in the moonlight with the good looking sam seems to be a pawn in MaryAnns weird sex ritual party chess game. Which ends up bad for the lovable bar owner. Lafayette is struggling with the post anxiety of the whole captivity and being called upon once again by Eric. Oh by the way Bill can sing and him and the maker lorena had a thing. My overall opinion of this episode was a headache because so much happened...very entertaining but didnt stand out or really play into the actions of the characters.....not as funny as other episodes.....too much side stuff going on to keep track of....i give it two stars out of four.
That True Blood episode sounded like a crazy dream, which reminds me, I have a dream I want you to analyze. I dreamt that Barry and I were climbing up a steep, rocky hill after viewing a scenic roadside vista. We were struggling to get up that hill together and then the dream ended before we got all the way up to the top. Any ideas?